Sunday, May 22, 2011

Forever and Always

It's almost summer 2011. Wow. Where has time gone by? Growing out of Club Penguin sure was a big step in my life, and I knew that my years on CP definitely affected my life today. Without decorating igloos, I don't think I would be the artistic person I am today. I've dedicated half of my time to school art activities, including honors art classes, mural art class, and a few others. If anyone, at all, ever comes back to this blog.. please remember that we are always out there somewhere, and friends will always be friends, forever. Half of the people that I knew from chat, or Club Penguin.. were a huge chunk of my life back from 3rd grade-6th grade. It has almost been a year and 1/2 since We have all spoken, but I want to know I miss you all, and I hope I can see you all again soon. I have a new blog, and I'm crossing my fingers that this blog works out! Please follow and check it out!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Avril505.. CP Blog Spy!

This is my penguin, Avril505. As some of you know, Hannajean got banned forever, so I created a penguin to keep in touch with what was going on. Avril505 is used to search on what is going on around the area, so If you ever see her, it's a 90% chance your going to be in a picture of some sort and be posted on this blog. 

Sunday ... ugh

Well.. theres school tommorow.. and I just finished my homework. Nothing new really on cp.. so I guess ill just think of random things to post today lol.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Okay well.. I wanted to point this out, to those people who are dumb enough to do this sort of stuff. When you are on a server.. that only has about 10 penguins online at the moment. and your pretty much by yourself in the town, don't advertise " HURRY BEFORE ITS FULL" because obviously, it's not going to get full anytime soon, especially on the server your on. This bugs me because even if every single penguin on the server came, it would barely make up one page of penguins at your igloo, so just give up, or move on buddy! Theres no point waisting your time on a server like this, when alpine or abominable are not full at the moment!

**From my point of view-

If anyone happens to disagree with this post, or any posts according to this website, Please don't comment a mean or hatred comment below, because it will not only make us feel dumb, but you will be the dumb one that isn't following this obvious rule. 
Sharing your opinion is fine, but please do it in a nice or civilized way. Thank You! - Hannajean

Funny Idea!

I don't know why I wanted to tell you guys this, but what if global warming hit Club Penguin, and everything melted! Wouldn't that be a epic party? From my point of view, It would sure be pretty funny! Mabye I will recommend it to them.. hmmm...
- Hannajean

October 1st Penguin Style Catalog!!

Well, Finally a new penguin style is coming out with Friday! Hopefully it will be some Fall clothes, or some that are new! I hope they finally come up with another good wig. It seems that all of their old wigs were the best. I guess wigs were just a one hit wonder until they went over-board with it and made them all really ugly! They might look good on your player card, but trust me.. most of the new ones will look horrifying while walking around Club Penguin. They all do!

Club Penguin Sports Event at Stadium!

Well, yesterday they came out with a sports event at the stadium, and to me it looks kind of pointless. Do they really think we are going to " run races". It's a one room party, and even when I am on abominable ( the busiest sever ).. it's either empty, or people are just trying to get back to their old routines .. playing football and cheerleaders watching and talking all flirty.