Sunday, May 22, 2011

Forever and Always

It's almost summer 2011. Wow. Where has time gone by? Growing out of Club Penguin sure was a big step in my life, and I knew that my years on CP definitely affected my life today. Without decorating igloos, I don't think I would be the artistic person I am today. I've dedicated half of my time to school art activities, including honors art classes, mural art class, and a few others. If anyone, at all, ever comes back to this blog.. please remember that we are always out there somewhere, and friends will always be friends, forever. Half of the people that I knew from chat, or Club Penguin.. were a huge chunk of my life back from 3rd grade-6th grade. It has almost been a year and 1/2 since We have all spoken, but I want to know I miss you all, and I hope I can see you all again soon. I have a new blog, and I'm crossing my fingers that this blog works out! Please follow and check it out!!

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